Bringing change to the recruitment industry.
Milkmiel is an online recruitment company which has been founded to try and bring change to the industry by providing an up front and honest service to both candidates and clients.
What Our Customers Say
We can tell you about the amazing things we can do for your business, but we think our customers can tell you better. After all, what they think is what really matters.
Effective recruitment is the key for high growth hospitality companies
We work in partnership with our Clients to build long term working relationships that will deliver quality and act as a seamless extension of your internal resources.
Latest news & insight
Milkmiel is the Trading name for Lilies Birds Ltd. Registered in Ireland as a private company limited by shares.
VAT Reg. No. 3196520FH
CRO number: 530898
WRC License Number: EA 5205
Registered Office: 11 Baggot Street Lower| Dublin 2 | D02 X658 | Ireland
Directors: Margherita Caputo, Giscard A.A, Mesmin Y.K.